Kesempurnaan Maryam sebagai Tajalli Allah dalam Perspektif Sufi
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Maryam is the name for Mary, the mother of Jesus in Islam. Maryam is
present as an important figure where she is a reflection of the perfection of Allah, as a
Tajalli Allah, her existence becomes a manifestation of Allah. Maryam also became a
figure who had a dialectic with Allah as a manifestation of her obedience as a servant
of God. This article aims to examine the perfection of Mary from a Sufi perspective.
order to help bring new knowledge about the value of Mary's existence in the Bible and
how mainstream Protestantism can learn and find its resonance in the Sufi
perspective. This paper uses qualitative methods with a seeing through approach
through a Sufi lens. Using a Sufi lens, readers, especially Protestants, can understand
that there is an extraordinary character and immanent value of spirituality in Mary
that has not been known to Bible readers. Maryam's perfection is close to the beauty of
her spirituality which displays enlightenment or revelation of God.
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