Menafsir Kisah Lea dalam Kitab Kejadian 29:16-35 dari Perspektif Feminis

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Sherena Gracia C. Parengkuan


This paper will discuss the story of Leah in Genesis 29:16–35 as an attempt to interpret the Bible contextually. This interpretation of the story of Leah found in Genesis 29:16–35 will be based on Elisabeth Fiorenza's hermeneutic dance called the Wisdom Dance. In this paper, it is found that Leah faced reality with everything that was detrimental to her with strength and calm because she did not blame anyone (compared to Rachel, who was angry because she could not have children). Through Lea's story, it can be seen how women make choices in certain circumstances that are the same as defending themselves and fighting for justice for themselves as an effort for equality.

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How to Cite
Parengkuan, S. G. C. (2023). Menafsir Kisah Lea dalam Kitab Kejadian 29:16-35 dari Perspektif Feminis. SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi Dan Pendidikan Kristen, 4(2), 103-119.


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