Pelayanan Pastoral Berbasis Ekologi Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
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There are several problems encountered in pastoral ministry, namely focusing too much on human services. In addition, sometimes the implementation of pastoral ministry also has a negative impact on the environment such as excessive use of plastic, paper, and energy so that it seems that the church is not environmentally friendly and can become a stumbling block for society. The purpose of this article is to highlight and explain various forms of ecology-based pastoral care as a form of church involvement in environmental conservation. The author uses a qualitative research method with a literature study approach. The discussion in this study emphasizes various forms of ecology-based pastoral services such as liturgy, fellowship, teaching, and evangelism. In addition, there are several efforts proposed by the author as a form of organizational church involvement in preserving the environment such as forming an environmental care community, forming a waste bank, and using renewable energy as an alternative energy. This research shows that ecology-based pastoral care has great potential to be an effective instrument in building church communities that care for the environment and contribute positively to environmental conservation.
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